Performances and Street Theatre |
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The Performances and the Street Theatre will take place in Formentera at the "Ses Salines" Nature Reserve (Can Marroig area). Activities start at 12 at noon and finish at 8 pm. All shows are free of charge.
Cuco SuárezPerformer and multimedia artist whose projects are related to the radicalism of body experience through the performance and installation, with social issues, somewhat transgressive and provocative, based on the hard facts of everyday life. He activates (with help fom some pretty provocative visuals) certain mechanisms that make the public reflect on their deepest concerns: life and death, religion, sex or pain. ![]()
Diego AínMuch, much more than a percussionist. With the show "Everyday music" (Música Cotidiana), Aín transcends the limits of space or context. This is music made "here and now", played with everyday objects... With a little help from technology, Diego imitates the sound of the bass, the electric guitar, synthesizers, flutes, etc... With his body, he can reproduce the sounds of drums and with everyday objects, such as your toothbrush, blender, mop or whatever he can make some really funny, funky solos. The show is built live through real-time recording and playing. Diego aims at waking up the music inside of us. ![]() Las FeasThey are a humble circus company which, through its puppets and stupidities, develops transformist shows, puppet marathons and impossible projects. In the Posidonia Festival the company is proud to present "the little circus of the ugly", where the different numbers will be happening organically, from Fiona with her horses to the trick of the goat. All this brightened with a little salt and humour… bienvenu au petit cirque… ![]() Clandestina - Circus DeliriumCompany formed by Sasha Agranov, musician and performer, and Estel Segui, acrobat and dancer. "Bambola" is a show of air circus with live music, which combines elements of classical and modern disciplines of the circus and music. In their show they explain a fantastic and dark history creating an oniric atmosphere of great visual beauty. The show is inspired by "The Tales of Hoffman", film directed by Powell and Pressburguer, based on the work of Jacques Offenbach. "In the laboratory of the crazy professor the creatures take life through the power of his music… The dancer in the music box -his latest experiment-, she is not acting as expected…". An allegory on the rebellion of the machines against their creators. Mixing sounds from different instruments: a cello, music boxes and other objects, processed by digital effects. ![]() Ulisses Pistolo ElizaGaia: a ceremony intended to connect us to Mother Earth. Images are transmitted from the Meteosat satellite website in real time. A computer programme transforms its images into music. "I added the sound of my heartbeat and electronic, vocal and flute harmonies to the sounds generated by the movement of the clouds", explains this widely-recognised multidisciplinar artist. ![]() Lola TenaOriental and belly dance. ![]() ![]() |
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