Photos Posidonia Festival Formentera 2008 Some images of the Festival. Cilck on each photo to get the high resolution image. Gadjo during their acoustic concert in Can Marroig:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista)
Bebe in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) Clandestina-Circus Delirium in Can Marroig:
(photo by Laura Cuenca) Installation of ability games made of recicled materials by Guixot de 8 - Drap Art, in Can Marroig: (photo by Consuelo Bautista) The stands of the EcoFair in Can Marroig:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) One of the stands of the EcoFair in Can Marroig:
(photo by Jordi Torrent) Las Feas and their petit cirque in Can Marroig:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) La Rumbé in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) Oscar Aguirre (Presidente de la Cámara de Turismo de las Galápagos):
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Festival mutations:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Bebe in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Beth in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Manu Sanfelix, talking about the submarine life around Formentera, in Can Marroig:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Yuri (and his Cosmonauts) in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Installation of ability games made of recicled materials by Guixot de 8 - Drap Art, in Can Marroig: (photo by Laura Cuenca) Mara in the square in S. Francesc:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Jam session in the restaurant Gan Gavinu where participants and volounteers were having dinner:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) The electric bus carrying people to the festival area:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Cooking with solar oven in Can Marroig:
(photo by Jordi Torrent) Workshop of Hierbas (local liquor) in Can Marroig:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) To Posidonia Festival Formentera 2008:
(photo by Laura Cuenca)
Gadjo during their acoustic concert in Can Marroig:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista)
Clandestina-Circus Delirium in Can Marroig:
(photo by Laura Cuenca) The entrance at the Posidonia Festival area in Can Marroig: (photo by Laura Cuenca) Volounteers in the restaurants Can Gavinu: (photo by Laura Cuenca) Installation of ability games made of recicled materials by Guixot de 8 - Drap Art, in Can Marroig: (photo by Carmelo Convalia) Graffiti workshop in Can Marroig:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista)
Participants and volounteers having dinner at Can Gavinu restaurant:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Gadjo during their acoustic concert in Can Marroig:
(photo by Carmelo Convalia) Jam session by musicians living in the island in Can Marroig:
(photo by Consuelo Bautista) Installation of ability games made of recicled materials by Guixot de 8 - Drap Art, in Can Marroig: (photo by Laura Cuenca) Gadjo during their acoustic concert in Can Marroig:
(photo by Laura Cuenca)
Opening of Posidonia Festival 2008 by Mr Jaume Ferrer Ribas (in the middle), Mayor of Formentera: (photo by Carmelo Convalia) Press presentation in Formentera 16/04/2008:
From the left: Sonia Cardona Ferrer: Consellera de Cultura - Consell de Formentera Josep Mayans: Conseller de Turismo - Consell de Formentera Jordi Torrent: Organizador Posidonia Festival Lorenzo Pepe: Organizador Posidonia Festival Sílvia Tur Ribas: Consellera de Medio Ambiente - Consell de Formentera Matteo Trivelli: Organizador Posidonia Festival |