BioBlitzThe BioBlitz consists of an investigation on the richness and biodiversity of the island of Formentera. The importance of the Posidonia plant within the coastline's ecosystems will be highlighted. The aim is studying the various elements of the environment and the relationships among them, using the scientific method to interpret and understand the dynamics and global functioning of the environment. With a multidisciplinary approach and involving participants actively. The method encourages a debate in which the correct ideas are reinforced and the wrong ones dismantled, fostering a love for the environment and its understanding and protection with a scientifical approach. Araneus diadematus According to the book "The Creation" (Edward O. WIlson, Ed.Empúries. 2007), the term "BioBlitz" refers to: "treasure-huntings designed with the goal of findind and identifying as many species as possible in a given location in a 24-hour period." The first BioBlitz made was on July 4, 1998, at Lake Walden, Massachusetts (USA). 1904 animal and plant species were found. All the information gathered contribute to the conservation of the species and of the locally adaptated races and subspecies. The purpose of this activity is to engage the children and the young students of Formentera in the activities of the Posidonia Festival, increasing their awareness of the environment and its biodiversity, as well as developing good habits for environmental protections. Fish and Posidonia oceanica Locations: - A BioBlitz will take place in Can Marroig where children from 3 to 12 years of age from all schools in Formentera will participate, and their search will consist of finding terrestrial plants and animals. - An aquatic BioBlitz will take place in the sea, including a beach and a dune system, where a group of students from the secondary schools in Formentera will search for aquatic plants and animals. The two groups will have the same common goal: to make a list of data of the native biodiversity that will be given to the "Parc Natural de Ses Salines d'Eïvissa i Formentera" Nature Reserve, and to the different schools participating. The activity will conclude with the presentation of a video and a slideshow in Can Marroig. Scutigera coleoptrata The insularity toghether with the ease of mobility and its natural richness make Formentera an ideal place for the location of the Festival and of this environmental educational project.
Some key concepts are explained during the BioBlitz: • Ecosystem. • Biodiversity. • Habitat. • Sustainable development. • Posidonia (Biology, Habitat, Ecology). • Coastline dynamics (agents affecting it, beaches and dune system, dune profile...).
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