Carloforte 27th-30th of July 2011
Posidonia Festival: Program 2011 All the activities are free. You can send or print this page by clicking on upper-right icons More detailed information in our press dossier (Italian) FESTIVAL EXTRA PROGRAM ECOFAIRFrom WEDNESDAY 27th TO SATURDAY 30thTime 18.00 > 24.00 Stands: Eticando / L’ Alter-Nativa / AquaNova / CSB / MareVivo Legambiente / IsFemmineddas / Pietrina Atzori RECYCLE SQUAREWEDNESDAY 27th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 22.00 Workshops: Workshop ECOLU "Creative recycling for children" Time 19.00 > 24.00 Recycling art: Recycling Art Exhibition by Alig’Art Artist residency Alig’Art / DrapArt / Posidonia Time 22.00 > 24.00 Cinema: Short films under water by Leandro Blanco Time 23.00 > Music: COLEGAS VELHOS and the BICYCLE-GENERATORS THURSDAY 28th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 22.00 Workshops: Workshop ECOLU “Creative recycling for children” Collective Tapestry Pietrina Atzori Time 19.00 > 24.00 Recycling art: Recycling Art Exhibition by Alig’Art Artist residency Alig’Art / DrapArt / Posidonia FRIDAY 29th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 22.00 Workshops: L‘Orchestra del Riciclo “Workshop of music instruments of recycled materials” “Energy and game” with Laboratorio Scienza “Game and formation for children about energy resourses” with Sardegna Ricerche - CRS4 Time 19.00 > 24.00 Recycling art: Recycling Art Exhibition by Alig’Art Artist residency Alig’Art / DrapArt / Posidonia SATURDAY 30th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 22.00 Workshops: L‘Orchestra del Riciclo “Workshop of music instruments of recycled materials” Roda de Samba “participative concert with L’ Orchestra del Riciclo Time 19.00 > 24.00 Recycling art: Recycling Art Exhibition by Alig’Art Artist residency Alig’Art / DrapArt / Posidonia GIARDINO DI NOTETHURSDAY 28th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 24.00 Installatons: Vertical Garden with Pietrina Atzori Art and BICYCLE-GENERATORS Time 20.00 > 22.30th Conferences: "Carloforte and San Pietro Island. The Miniature of the Mediterranean" “Carloforte Economy and Maritime Traffic 1738/2012” Ins. Mario Pintus “Listening through the eyes, watching through the ears. Acoustic ecology in the Mediterranean” Ilaria sartori Time 22.30th > 23.00 Cinema: “Psiche e Alimentazione” documentary byl CSB Time 19.00 > 01.00 Music: 19.00 > Musical aperitive with music selection by Luca Molinas 23.00 > ROCCO PAPIA “Guitar, 7 cords, voice, sounds, loops” 24.00 > IPOTHESI “Rock Folk”
FRIDAY ‘ 29th OF JULYTime 19.00 > 24.00 Installatons: Vertical Garden with Pietrina Atzori Art and BICYCLE-GENERATORS Time 20.00 > 21.30th Round Table on Renewable Energies: Andrea Mameli CRS4 “Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica” Manuel Floris CRS4 Andrea Tiana LEGAMBIENTE Jeremie Fosse ECOUNION “Business going green” Antonio Congia AGRIWATT “Coltiviamo L’ energia” Andrea Montali SARDINIA BIO ENERGY
Time 22.00 > 23.00 Cinema: “Be Water, My Friend” by Anotnio Martino “Pancevo_Mrtav Grad” byAntonio Martino Time 19.00 > 01.00 Music: 19.00 > Musical aperitive with Mediterranean music by di Ilaria Sartori 23.00 > NOBRAINO “folk rock/indie rock italiano” SATURDAY 30th OF JULYTime 18.00 > 19.00 Practice Workshop: Infant massage for parents by L’ Alter-Nativa Time 19.00 > 24.00 Installatons: Vertical Garden with Pietrina Atzori Art and BICYCLE-GENERATORS Time 20.00 > 21.00 Seminario: Organic food during pregnancy and early childhood by L’ Alter-Nativa Time 21.00 > 22.00 Conference: Introduction to Posidonia Project with Edoardo Brodasca Posidonia oceanica and its importance for coastal ecosystems: Pier Panzalis AMP di Tavolara e Coda Cavallo Simone Simeone Centro Marino Internazionale Giorgio Massaro AMP Penisola del Sinis Isola di Mal di Ventre
Time 22.00 > 22.30th Underwater Archeology: “Underwater treasures, an ecologic behaviour toward our past” Valentina Brodasca Time 22.30th > 23.00 Cinema: Short films under water byLeandro Blanco Time 19.00 > 01.00 Music: 19.00 > Musical aperitive by Posidonia Festival 23.00 > DAGNINO & FRIENDS “World Music” 24.00 > ARROGALLA feat MARIO BRAI “Mediterranean DUB set” FESTIVAL EXTRA PROGRAM More detailed information in our press dossier (Italian) |