FORMENTERA: 1st-3rd of October 2010 Posidonia Festival: Program 2010 (Updating) All the activities are free. You can send or print this page by clicking on upper-right icons Concerts FRIDAY 1st of October 2010 13,30 pm in the Music Space in S. Francesc: Linda & Sara: Musical aperitive From 23,00 pm in the Music Space in S. Francesc: Professor Globo (visual music) Kontrastes Konsentíos (Flamenco, Formentera) The Lost Standars (Jazz) SATURDAY 2nd of October 2010 13,30 pm in the Music Space in S. Francesc: Projecte Pop Formentera United: Musical aperitive From 23,00 pm in the Music Space in S. Francesc: POG (Piccola orquestra Gagarin) (Experimental Jazz) Pedro Burruezo y Bohemia Camerata (Old Contemporary Music) Belda Bit Band (with Jorge Pardo) SUNDAY 3rd of October 2010 15,00 pm in the Music Space in S. Francesc: Musical aperitive TIMETABLE MAP Cinema and Documentaries FRIDAY 1st of October 201011,30 am in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Drawings" by William Lamson 12,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documental: "THE LAND INHABITED". 13,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Combo" by Blu 17,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Left brain, right brain" Mattew Taylor 20,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: "Costas". Presentation by Pilar Marcos, Responsible for Coast Campaingn into Greenpeace Spain. 21,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: ”Adictos al plastico” SATURDAY 2nd of October 2010 11,30 am in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Ecologic Contamination"
12,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary:"Paisaje transformado"
13,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Creative Recycling" 13,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Drawings" by William Lamson 17,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: 18,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Drawings" by William Lamson 20,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: The state of the planet 2010 by The National Geographic 21,30 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: "Navegants sense remors". Presentado por Pep Companitx presidente cofradia de pescadores de Formentera. 23,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: "Big Bang Big Boom" by Blu SUNDAY 3rd of October 2010 12,00 am in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Documentary: "Home" by Yan Arthus-Bertrand
13,30 am in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "art with sheeps" 15,00 pm in the Cinema space in S. Francesc: Animations of art and ecology: "Drawings" by William Lamson TIMETABLE MAP Conferences All speeches wiil be in Spanish or Catalan. FRIDAY 1st of October 2010 11,30 am in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Presentation of the Rural Guides Posidonia: 40 gems of the beach. Association Posidonia Project 17,00 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Conference: "The Natural Park of Ses Salines"
18,30 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Conference: Mª Carmen Garcia. Instituto Español de Oceanografía: "The Medtiterranean Sea: investigations on Climate Change" SATURDAY 2nd of October 2010 12,30 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Round Table with the Mediterranean ecology festivals (Festieventu, Festambiente, Posidonia Festival): Ecofestivals as tools for environmental sensibilization and their effect on tourism"
VIVI CON STILE -Partially financed by EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Agricolture and Rural Development AGRI.2010-150 13,00 pm in the Council House Hall: Round Table: "Management of Natural Parks and tourism development" CANCELADO 17,00 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Conference: INSECTARIUM VIRTUAL: Presentation of the BV Platform and Mundo Microscópico. 17,00 pm in the Council House Hall: Conference: European Union agricolture politcs and sustainable development. Cleto Sánchez Vellisco, Subdirector General de asuntos Agrícolas y de Pesca, Secretaría de Estado para la Unión Europea, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Gobierno de España.
VIVI CON STILE -Partially financed by EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Agricolture and Rural Development AGRI.2010-150 18,30 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Conference: Enric Badosa. Member of ICO and Observatori de la Tordera: "Birds and mammalians of the Meditteranean Sea" SUNDAY 3rd of October 2010 13,30 pm in the Conference space in S. Francesc: Round Table: "Conservacionismo en Formentera": Silvia Tur, Santiago, Colomar, Xavier Àlvarez, Marcelo Convalia, Marta Sanchez TIMETABLE MAP Other shows Installation: Big Bang. By: Nuria Fortuny, Paco Castelló, Lorenzo Pepe, Robert Hawkings, Enric Majoral, Toni Riera, Aaron, Dickie, Jordi Torrent... TIMETABLE MAP Workshops FRIDAY 1st of October 2010 11,30 am in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops for children - Fund. Balears Sostenible 13,30 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Raw Food Aperitive (raw food aperitive open to the public) 17,00 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops (Insectarium Virtual): Walk on countryside to get pictures of flora and fauna, get water and analyze it with microscope. SATURDAY 2nd of October 2010
11,30 am in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops for children - Fund. Balears Sostenible 12,30 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops for children: "Vivi con Stile"
VIVI CON STILE -Partially financed by EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Agricolture and Rural Development AGRI.2010-150 13,30 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Raw Food Aperitive (raw food aperitive open to the public)
SUNDAY 3rd of October 2010 12,00 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops for children - Fund. Balears Sostenible 13,30 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Environmental workshops for children: "Vivi con Stile"
VIVI CON STILE -Partially financed by EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Agricolture and Rural Development AGRI.2010-150 15,00 pm in EcoFair in S. Francesc: Raw Food Aperitive (raw food aperitive open to the public) TIMETABLE MAP EcoFair FRIDAY 1st, SATURDAY 2nd, SUNDAY 3rd of October 2010 all day long in Festival Space. TIMETABLE MAP |