New Logo Call For Proposals |
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Logo for printed media (CYMK-PDF) Logo for web transparent (RGB-PNG) Results of the Call for Proposals for the New LogoSelected logo Adriano Campioni
Selection of NO selected logos
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New logo Call for ProposalsINTRODUCTION // PRESENTATIONThe international non-profit association Posidonia MED NIF:G65756355, which works to reverse the trend to reduction of the underwater plant Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean Sea and for the preservation of related marine ecosystem, presents this call for proposals for its new logo. The logo has to represent particularly the issues and activities related to Posidonia Oceanica, a key element in conserving the ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea, and more generally to the ecological development of the Mediterranean area. The chosen logo will be used by Posidonia MED. The logo will represent the association in all its activities including the Posidonia Festival, an event of art, environment and sustainable development that this year is going to be celebrated for the fifth consecutive year in Mediterranean locations. PROMOTERS AND OBJECTIVESThis call for proposals is organized by the international non-profit association Posidonia MED. The aim of this call for proposals is to create a new logo for the Association to be used in its activities, described in the sites and , realizing an image renovation which wants to enjoy the new people participation and the new activities launching. The graphic design should represent the spirit of the association in all its actions and events, effectively described by this video of Posidonia Festival Carloforte 2011: This Call for Proposals and the results are published in CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LOGOThe logo (defined as logo and / or pictogram and / or diagram) has to be usable in two different ways: standalone (only graphic) and in addition to a text, which has to be modifiable. The objective is to have one image adaptable to different texts, for example “Posidonia Festival “ and “Posidonia MED”.The logo has to be easily and immediately associated with the marine plant Posidonia oceanica . Identifying key concepts of the logo:• Posidonia oceanica • The sea • The Mediterranean • Biodiversity • Sustainable development • Ecology • Clean waters and beaches • Back to nature • Change of habits • Concrete Actions • Sun • Oxygen Association Posidonia MED values:Positive realismOpen and cooperative Proactive Sustainable Direct Innovative Respectful Playful Honest and transparent With a vision of the future Focused Positive The proposed logo must have the following characteristics: • a) distinctive and original • b) eligible for reduction or enlargement, flexible in playing as positive and as negative, color and black / white, use in both vertical and horizontal as in three dimensions, without thereby losing communicative power; • c) easily reproducible, usable on the main communications media and in different sectors and merchandising products and materials. ELIGIBILITYThe call for proposals is open for to everybody resident in the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, especially to illustrators and graphic designers.Participation may be individual or in groups (max 3 participants). In the second case, the group will have to draw a unique name and mention for all its members. A single participant or component can not be part of more than one group. Each group or single participant can submit more than one proposal. PROPOSALS and CHOSEN LOGO USEChosen logo:The final logo chosen designer, renounce to any kind of right of use of the work submitted which, from the proposals presentation, will be totally property of Asoc. Posidonia MED that will have all the rights of exclusive use without the author/s may have nothing to claim about it in any way.Posidonia MED will dispose of the logo without any restriction related to publication, promotion, use and duplication: these rights are intended to be obtained by Posidonia MED perpetually, unlimitedly and irrevocably. No additional remuneration or economic right, in addition to the award of this call for proposal, will be granted to the author/s of the chosen logo. Posidonia MED, respecting the original idea, will be able to do eventually make any modifications to permit the most wide use of the logo. Not chosen logos:Posidonia MED reserves the right to use the not chosen proposals exclusively to ensure the good realization and promotion of this call for proposals, including publishing and exhibitions.APPLICATION and EVALUATIONThe participation to this call for proposal is free. The proposals should be submitted in English, Spanish, Italian or Catalan language.Each individual participant and / or group ensures that its proposal is original and creative and does not violate legal provisions in force, in particular, each individual participant and / or associated form ensures that the creative proposal does not infringe any intellectual property rights and / or other kind of right of third parties and that there are no rights of third parties which may in any way limit or spoil the use, display and / or publication. Any participant exonerates Posidonia MED of any responsibilities concerning any kind of request of any kind of subject. Posidonia MED will be not responsible for any kind of of problem, also technic, that could obstaculate the participation to this call for proposals, and will be not responsible for any kind of damage or data lost. The evaluation of the proposals will be conducted by a special commission formed by members of Ass. Posidonia MED and invited professionals among Posidonia Festival partners. The call for proposals will conclude with the communication of the chosen logo on the website before one month from the deadline of this call for proposals. The final choice of the commission will be unquestionable. The Commission reserves the right to not proceed with the final choice if the proposals are evaluated as not complying with the purposes of this call for proposals. The chosen logo designer will be required to edit the logo manual in collaboration with Posidonia MED. Each proposal has to be submitted in different formats with a separate short explicative text. It will be also appreciated a small CV or biography, and some concrete examples of logo use ( letterhead, business card, etc.). The proposals have to contain minimum the standalone version (only graphic) and the version in addiction with a text (for example “Posidonia Festival” or “Posidonia MED”). Digital application and submission:The proposals, with the application form, have to be sent in different formats to ensure its good evaluation by the Commission and the maximum of freedom for future use (editable, high definition, vectorial and no vectorial formats, typography). The proposals have to be sent by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or equivalent method to be defined by email. The application form can be downloaded herePrinted application and submission:The proposals have to be sent to Posidonia MED C/ Palau 4 1-1 08002 Barcelona (Spain) including:application form signed. explicative text. one print A4 format with colours on white background. one print A4 format black and white on white background. eventually CV, biography, and examples of use. The proposals have to be arrived (both digital and printed applications) before 14.00 of 23rd of April 2012, informations and the application form can be downloaded here or asked by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . The materials sent will be not given back. Posidonia MED informs the participants that all personal data, according to the privacy related laws, will be collected and used only for the purposes and correct realization of this call for proposals. The participants consent the processing of personal data submitting the proposals. Participants data could be published in actions related with the complete and correct realization of this call for proposals. AWARDThe chosen logo designer will be granted with a free trip and accommodation for two people in one of the locations of the Posidonia Festival 2012 for choice between Carloforte (Sardinia, Italy) and Sitges (Catalunya, Spain), during the days of the event with the possibility to enjoy the event as organization staff. Alternatively, an amount of 500€ a different for choice trip refund can be provided.The value of the award is symbolic because it is considered more meaningful to be the creator of the new imagine of this eco oriented independent initiative and particularly of the new logo of the main eco-festival dedicated to the Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean. The chosen logo designer will also be permanently mentioned in Posidonia MED and Posidonia Festival websites, within the logo manual.. FINAL PROVISIONSParticipating to this call for proposals means to accept all its rules without conditions. |
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