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GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR USING OUR WEBSITELegal warning and privacy conditions Dear Visitor Welcome to Posidonia Festival's website. We are confident that the website will be of your liking and useful to you, and that you will enjoy visiting it. For this reason and in the pursuit of maximum security for our website and our visitors, we establish the following conditions of use: 1.- The ownership of the Posidonia Festival website belongs to: 2.- Posidonia Festival offers in its website information regarding the Posidonia Festival, and anything else related to these. Such information must be considered as an introduction. The main purpose of the website is that of information and publicity and it provides the possibility of contacting or asking for more detailed information. 9.- Posidonia Festival has included in its website references to firms and trades (hotels, restaurants, etc.) as well as links. The existence of these data on the website of Posidonia Festival is purely for the purpose of information and does not imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of these. These lists of trades have been assembled as thoroughly as has been possible. Should you find some incorrect datum or some owner wishes to include, modify or delete the data on his trade, it can be done writing to the following e-mail address: 10.- Posidonia Festival guarantees the confidentiality of your personal data and uses all reasonable means to ensure it. No datum trusted to us will be shared with any organization or firm outside Posidonia Festival, excluding the service providers which are directly connected to Posidonia Festival and only to ensure the correct functioning of Posidonia Festival and the services offered. In keeping with the data protection law (Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal), the User of Posidonia Festival will be able to use his rights to access, modify or cancel his data in the terms established by the said law and other regulations which develop it. In the event that any User or third party thinks that any of the contents has been introduced on its website with violation of their intellectual ownership rights, they will have to send a note to indicating their precise and complete data and those of the intellectual ownership rights which have been supposedly contravened as well as the website. 11.- Posidonia Festival's website is run according to the legislation and the publicity activities codes that exist in Spain. Therefore, Spanish laws apply and it exists under the jurisdiction of the judges and courts of Spain. Any controversy, conflict or demand that may arise around the fulfillment of the terms of use of the website Posidonia Festival and any conflict which bears a relation to the content and services of the website will be solved by the Judges and Courts of Barcelona (Spain) and will be interpreted according to Spanish legislation. The parties will renounce the local or regional law codes which may apply to them. 13.- Posidonia Festival has the right to use judicial, civil or criminal action against any fisical or legal person or their representatives who contravene what is established by these conditions. Posidonia Festival cannot be held responsible in the event of interruptions of the service, delays, errors, bad functioning or, in general, any other inconvenience due to force majeure causes not controlled by Posidonia Festival and/or due to a deceitful or guilty act on the part of the User. Without prejudice to what is established in the article 1105 of the Civil Code, the concept of Force Majeure will also include, affecting these General Conditions, all those occurrences that may happen outside the control of Posidonia Festival, such as mistakes of third parties, operators or service companies, acts of the Government, no access to third parties' networks, acts or omissions of public authorities, those produced as a consequence of natural phenomena, power cuts, etc. as well as the attack by hackers or third parties who are specialized to the security or integrity of the computing system, as long as Posidonia Festival has adopted all the existing security measures in accordance to the technological possibilities. At any rate, whatever the cause, Posidonia Festival will not take any responsibility be it for direct or indirect damage, resultant damage and/or profit. 14.- Posidonia Festival will have the right to temporarily suspend the services and contents of this website to carry out operations for the maintenance, improvement or repair of said contents, without having to pay any sort of indemnization to the User for these concepts. Posidonia Festival excludes any responsibility for any sort of damage which may be due to the non-availability or non-continuity of the functioning of our website and the services. 15.- Posidonia Festival is not responsible for the contents or the opinions of third parties that may appear on their website or the information contained on third parties' websites which may be accessed through links or web search engines, since their use is informing the User of the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the internet, which will enlarge the data that he or she obtain on this website, but can never be though of as an invitation, suggestion or recommendation. In consequence, Posidonia Festival will not be responsible for the result obtained through said hipertextual links. 16.- This website has been elaborated in good faith by Posidonia Festival with information coming from both external and internal sources. Nevertheless, the fullness, truthfulness, topicality or exactness of our website for the carrying out of some particular activity by our Users cannot be guaranteed. Besides, Posidonia Festival does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements when accessing our website which may alter electronic documents and stored files. In consequence, Posidonia Festival does not take responsibility for the damages caused to the computing sets of Users by computing viruses obtained during the visit to our website, or any other damages that may occur during such visit. 17.- Posidonia Festival does not offer any guarantee in relation to the continuity or absence of errors in any of the accessible contents through their website, besides not guaranteing the correction of any defect or the absence of viruses and other harmful components in this website or the server that makes it available. Posidonia Festival is not responsible for the veracity, uselessness or adequacy to a specific use of this website or its contents. Neither does Posidonia Festival take responsibility for the loss of data or services as a consequence of some delay, non-delivery or incorrect delivery of the products displayed or interruption of the service, of the exactness, quality or nature of the information obtained through its contents. 18.- The User will answer for the damages of any kind that Posidonia Festival may suffer as a consequence of his or her not abiding by the obligations that he or she are bound to by these General Conditions or by the particular conditions that apply. 19.- Posidonia Festival may act as an intermediary between the service providers and the Users, who exonerate Posidonia Festival of any responsibility that may derive from the use of this service. Any potential complaint will have to be lodged before the hired firm. 20.- Posidonia Festival has the right to deny or withdraw access to its website, at any time and with no need of a previous warning to those Users who do not abide by these General Conditions or the Particular Conditions which may apply.
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