EcoFestival-Sustainability |
In order to realize a real EcoFestival it is necessary to carry out, gradually, concrete actions which can put into practice the concepts of Responsibility and Sustainability. Posidonia Festival organization is developing some actions to reduce the Festival's impact, globally on the environment and locally. However we all have to be aware that even if the Festival organization is assuming its responsibilities towards the environment, this will be not be enough without the responsibility of all the organizations as well as all participants involved. In any case, this is a sign that not only another world is possible, it is now being built. Rubbish collecting and recyclingThe rubbish will be collected in different containers to be later recycled as much as possible, in cooperation with the Municipality of Carloforte , Municipality of Sitges .
Biodegradable Plastics Posidonia Festival organization will be mainly using biodegradable plastic for the catering services. These plastics are made of Mater-Bi. DecorationsThe decorations have been conceived, designed and built according to the principles of recycling and minimal environmental impact, most of the materials used were recycled.
Workshops, installations, activitiesDuring the Posidonia Festival will take place workshps (for children and adults), installations and activities centered on eco-oriented themes as recycling, renewable energies, creative beaches cleaning, protection of the ecosystems. All the activities will be realized following the recycling and energy saving principles.
Collective and sustainable transportsThe Festival organization promotes the use of collective and sustainable transports instead of private ones as public transport, car sharing, electric vehicles.
Local - zero km productsThe Festival organization promotes consuming local and zero km products in all fields, from logistic to food (preferably organic) and beverage.
Reducing consumption of plastics and paperAmong the communications and production actions oriented to the environment respect there are: -Main use of digital media instead of paper or plastic ones. -Use of ecologic paper and other recycled materials.
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