Summary and Results Posidonia Festival art i natura
II International Festival of Art, Environment and Sustainable Development in the island of Formentera 2009
PresentationPosidonia Festival is an EcoFestival of Art and Nature that promotes a Culture of Peace and that wants to connect in an innovative way the worlds of ecology, sustainable development and art, involving local and international participants. All show and activities has been free. The second edition of Posidonia Festival Formentera (22-24 de Mayo 2009) has been declared emblematic event of the "International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (ONU-UNESCO 2001-2010)", and it is sponsored by UNESCO. The project wants to be an opportunity for the sustainable, cultural and touristic development of Formentera , and a reference in the Mediterranean area. The Festival wants to be a part of international networks of similar initiatives, and wants to be a meeting point for art, ecology and tourism professionals who can be interested even in Formentera and its future. The event wants to be also a laboratory for sustainable solutions for the tourist industry and create a center of experimentation, reflection and promotion of these initiatives. Click here to watch photos and videos of Posidonia Festival Formentera 2009 EcoFestival
Posidonia Festival organization is developing some actions to reduce the Festival's impact on the environment , globally and locally on the island of Formentera, as CO2 compensation, recycling, biodegradable plastics usage. Moreover the Festival trake care also of the social, cultural and economic impact on the island. Click here to see about why a "Posidonia" Festival, why in Formentera and about the Festival organization . 2009 Contents
The year 2009 has been declared by the United Nations (UN) International Year of Astronomy and also the year of the launch of the recovery project of the Salinas de Formentera.
So Astronomy and Sal have been chosen as the main theme of the Posidonia Festival Formentera 2009 that has included activities such as conferences, documentaries, short films, panels, concerts, workshops for children, adolescents and adults, facilities, theater, puppetry and circus astronomical observation, ecofair of products and activities related to environmental and ecological nature.
Cilck here to see the detailed 2009 Program Click here to see the 2009 Posidonia Festival Map ResultsOf course, the first result achieved was to help spread awareness of the existence and importance of Posidonia oceanica . Furthermore, the success of public and media presence that have been in this second edition of the Festival, has managed to consolidate the event in its second edition. It also has managed to enforce the image that Formentera want to export , and additionally to a consolidation as la ocal annual event, has managed to settle as an annual event nationwide as well. Summary6000 people. 9 conferences. 7 musical bands with concerts in the main stage + 3 acoustic musical bands in the small stage. 2 installations and 5 theatre, puppets, circus groups. 1 international itinerant festival of short films (37 short films). 9 documentaries and films selected which environmental themes, some of thos with presentation by the director. 6 workshops (3 for children and teenagers). 1 EcoFair with 15 stands related to environmental themes or ecologic products. PublicThe total presence during the 3 days and 2 nights has been about 6000 people. Day activities: 2500 people Night activities: 3500 people
Organizations and asociations involvedConsell Insular de Formentera Govern Balear Fundació "la Caixa” Parc Natural "Ses Salines" de Eivissa i Formentera Agencia de Promoció Aeroespacial de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona Activa) INTA Institut Nacional de Tècnica Aeroespacial Fundació Balears Sostenible ASTER Agrupació Astronòmica de Barcelona Obra Cultural Balear Greenpeace España Diversons Seminari de Cultura de Pau de la UNESCO - “Associación Cultura Sin Fronteras” FICMA Festival Internacional de Cine de Medi Ambient Associació de Permacultura Pitiüsa Festival de Curtmetratges "La Boca del Lobo" “La Casita Verde” Consell Balear de la Producció Agrària Ecològica Pla Leader d'Eivissa i Formentera Amics de la Terra Associació de Criadors de Races Autòctones de Ses Pitiüses Veterinaris Sense Fronteres Associació de Criadors des Ca Eivissenc d'Eivissa i Formentera Associació de Productors Agrícoles Ecològics d'Eivissa i Formentera Societat Lepidopterològica de Catalunya Cooperativa l'Aixada (Barcelona) Escola de Música de Formentera Casal de Joves de Formentera Personalities who participated
JORGE WAGENSBERG (Director of the Dept. of Cience and Environment of the Fundació "La Caixa") JOSEP BOHIGAS (Director of Festival EME 3 Colapse, of Architectur and Environment) LLUÍS GOMEZ (Director of Areospace Agency of the Municipality of Barcelona) JOSÉ TORRES RIERA RIERA (Director of the Dept. of Spacial Programmes and Space Sciences of the INTA) JAUME FERRER RIBAS President del Consell de Formentera CONSTANTI STEFANESCU (Societat Lepidopterològica de Catalunya) MARCUS TUR (Permacultura Asociation of Ibiza) DAVID CALZADA (Director de Salines de Formentera) SANTIAGO COLOMAR (History Specialist) CARMELO CONVALIA (Jouralist, director of the documentary "Salt") ALEJANDRO RUIZ (director de Utopía (España, 2008) NICOLÁS GARCIA, XAVIER VAQUÉ, directores de “Ralco, un mal negocio” (Chile, España, 2008) Media ImpactCommunications have been oriented locally and globally. The primary objective is to promote the Posidonia Festival and Formentera and according to the socio-environmental reality of the island and the reference touristic target of Formentera and, of course, according to the spirit and objectives of the Festival. The secondary objective is to promote public loyalty. Finally, the aim is to communicate Formentera as an ecological paradise where it is possible to feel deep positive emotions. Communication has been optimized, structureded and planned to achieve a balance between promoting the Festival in its own dates of the event and all year long. ACTONS AND RESULTS:
-Communication campaign on press, radio, local and national TV oriented mainly to Spain and secondarily to other European Countries. A significant presence in local, national and international media has been achieved. For the full press review click here -2 Press Presentations which have pushed the presence on media from 2 months before to 1 month after the dates of the Festival.
-Cooperation with the Formentera Island Council to promote the Festival on the European circuit of fairs and tourism events (Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Barcelona, Fira per la Terra Barcelona).
-Posters (1000) and flyers (10000) distributed in Formentera, Balearic Islands and main cities of Spain.
-Continous local media coverage during the festival. Live audio broadcast on Radio Illa 107.9 fm, Festival's website, online social networks.
-On site support to media coverage (radio, television, press, local, national, international) for interviews, reports, etc..
-Website ( and social networks (facebook, myspace, facebook, youtube) used.
-International online media campaign, designed to generate effects in the period antecedent to the festival (and summer tourist season) and throughout the year, mainly based on actions of tribal marketing and viral marketing. Optimization of the presence in search engines and other web pages, mailing.
-About 70 dedicated articles in web pages and blogs of media/journalistic relevance.
Unique Visitors to Apr 2009: 4801 - (Apr 2008: 1231) May 2009: 5979 (May 2008: 2720) June 2009: 7774 (June 2008 1877) Jul 2009 6592 (Jul 2008 2607) Aug 2009 4774 (Aug 2008 2713)
Total Unique Visitors in 2009 until 30/08: 38584 (Total Visitors entire 2008: 19521) Total Page Views in 2009 until 30/08/2009: 129420 Total number of external links to the site to 30/06/2009: 865 (2008: 325). This number does not include the presence in all major search engines. results for the keyword "Posidonia festival" at 30/06/2009: 6410 (2008: 1010) Budget 2009The 2009 budget has been around € 120,000 totally, including approximately € 40,000 in services by the sponsors/partners, and € 80,000 real by Sponsors and institutions involved (about € 45,000 by Consell Insular de Formentera). Posidonia Festival is an EcoFestival which compensates its CO2 emissions, fighting global warming. Posidonia Festival Formentera 2009 promotes a Culture of Peace
