Conferences and Round Tables |
Conferences and Round Tables
MARCOS TUR: “DISEÑO EN PERMACULTURA” (DESIGN IN PERMACULTURE)The word Permaculture was first used by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in the mid seventies, to describe a system that is integrated and evolving of perennial or self-perpetuating plants and of animal species that are useful to mankind. Buildings, people and the way they organize, are central to permaculture. Thus, the concept of permaculture as permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to a concept of a permanent and sustainable culture. The conference “Diseño en permacultura” (design in permaculture) is organized by the Permaculture Society of the Pitiüses Islands. Speaker Marcos Tur explains how implementing a system designed according to these principles uses techniques and technologies which may be very diverse depending on the climate or what the starting situation may be. ![]()
JOSEP BOHIGAS: “DECONSTRUIR CONTRA EL COLAPSO MEDIOAMBIENTAL” (DECONSTRUCTING AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL COLLAPSE)Architect Josep Bohigas gives arguments to understand the responsibility of architects in today's architectonic collapse. Bohigas (Barcelona, 1967) is the mind behind the extension of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and the project APTM, presented at Construmat 2005, an initiative that proposed building low-cost housing under sustainability criteria, with quality materials and in a minimal space (just above 30 square meters). In 1990 he created the architecture studio BOPBAA together with Iñaki Baquero and Francesc Placreó. From 1993 he teaches at university centers such as the Escola de Disseny Elisava (Pompeu Fabra), the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, the Universidad de Salamanca and the Cátedra Mies of the Escola Técnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC). ![]()
JORGE WAGENSBERG: “COMPLEJIDAD VERSUS INCERTIDUMBRE” (complexity versus uncertainty)Jorge Wagensberg, researcher, professor, writer and one of the most important science writers in Spain, stated in an interview with newspaper El País while promoting his book A más cómo, menos porqué (The More the How, the Less the Why, a volume of 747 aphorisms published by Tusquets Editores) that the difference between art and science is the fact that the former “can have an intuition without comprehending”, while the later “can comprehend without having an intuition at all”. “Science is the most robust way to express uncertainty”, he said. In the conference “Complejidad versus incertidumbre” (complexity versus uncertainty), Wagensberg will share his acute and ever-stimulating ideas. Today, Jorge Wagensberg is the director of the Environment and Science Area of the “La Caixa” Foundation, from where he has lead the renovation of the Science Museum “CosmoCaixa”, found both in Barcelona and Madrid. He has been awarded the National Catalan Prize for Scientific Culture and Thought (2005) and the Creu de Sant Jordi de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2007) . He has written ten books, the last of which is Yo, lo superfluo y el error (Me, the Superfluous, and Error, 2009, Tusquets Editores).
LAIA CAPDEVILA Y GILAD BUZY: “PAYESES, PRODUCTORES Y CONSUMIDORES, UNIDOS EN LAS COOPERATIVAS” (FARMERS, PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS, UNITED IN COOPERATIVES) Laia Capdevila and Gilad Buzi are active members of the Aixada cooperative, an organization for critical and responsible consumption which was founded six years ago. Through their activities and talks they promote a more responsible consumption. ![]()
CONSTANTI STEFANESCU: “MARIPOSAS Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” (BUTTERFLIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE) Constantí Stefanescu is a member of the Lepidopterological Society of Catalonia (SCL). In his conference, he talks about variations of habitats as they relate to the forming of new species of butterflies through time linking this to climate changes. The SCL brings together professional and amateur entomologists which share goals such as promoting and compiling lepidopterological studies, studying the biology, ecology, taxonomy and distribution of butterflies and the spreading of the knowledge acquired through these, as well as the protection of butterflies and their habitats. ![]()
LLUÍS GÓMEZ: “ESPACIO Y MEDIO AMBIENTE” (SPACE AND ENVIRONMENT) LLuís Gómez (Barcelona's Council) will talk about how the images of Earth obtained from space are precious tools providing very important information that is very hard to get by any other means. Far from being a superfluous resource, these images have become essential scientific tools making us more aware of our planet's fragility and helping us manage its resources. ![]()
JOSEP TORRES RIERA: “EL CIELO DES DEL ESPACIO” (THE SKY FROM SPACE)Josep Torres Riera (Formentera, 1942) is the director of the Dept. Of Spacial Programs Sciences and Space Sciences in the National Institute of Aerospacial Technic (INTA). He is responsible for the programs of scientific satellites Minisat and Nanosat. ![]() ROUND TABLE “SALT”Salt production in the saltworks in Formentera is once again a reality and the first salt is expected to be obtained in September 2010. On this round table, David Calzada (director of the private firm Salinas de Formentera, which manages the recovery of the salt industy on the island), Santi Colomar (historian) and Carmelo Convalia (journalist and director of the documentary La Sal de Formentera) will discuss the recovery of the salt industry, the whole process of salt production, the qualities of salt, the yet-to-be-built Museum of Salt, etc.