Posidonia Festival Carloforte

Why a "Posidonia" Festival?

Because we are aware of the importance of defending the Posidonia oceanica as a key element to maintaining the equilibrium of the mediterranean coastal and sea ecosystems.

Because the plant contributes enormously to the beauty and life of the Mediterranean Sea.

Because we believe in the union of Culture, Education, and Environment Preservation as a means of making a transition towards a sustainable planet.

Because of all this, the Posidonia plant stands for the spirit and aims of the Festival .
Culture of Peace-UNESCO
Posidonia Festival Project

Why Carloforte

Because Carloforte is an ecologic paradise with an extraordinary environmental richness, both at in the sea and inland.

Because Carloforte loves its environment and its natural surroundings and has implemented specific plans of action for ecology, culture and a more sustainable development

Because Carloforte is a unique scenario for cultural events, where unforgettable experiences can be lived. 

Because between San Pietro Island and Sardinia Island there is an important Posidonia oceanica

Because Carloforte is Carloforte .

Simbolo Posidonia Festival


Posidonia Project Carloforte is a no profit association.

Director of Posidonia Festival Carloforte: Edoardo Brodasca
Directors of Production of Posidonia Festival Carloforte: Pamela Pincheira-Alessandro Martino
Communications & Project Director: Matteo Trivelli

SPIEMe (San Pietro Isola Ecologica del Mediterraneo), association founded by Comune di Carloforte and Consorzio Parco Geominerario Storico Ambientale della Sardegna.

These main organizers have been helped by Council House personell, a small group of very active volunteers  and about 20 volunteers involved in different roles. Posidonia Festival organization thanks all these people for the very important help given at any level.


Posidonia Festival Carloforte is an EcoFestival and made possible by:

-The enthusiasm, the participation, the trust and the support of Carloforte Inhabitants and of all the people who are somehow connected and in love with the island.

-The Team that makes it possible. Many people, really, most of them volunteers, who give their time, heart, and abilities to make the Project grow.

-The artists and all the Participants who enjoy the Posidonia Festival who really give their best in their activities, most of them for free.

-The  Public. Thanks for coming, respecting  and apreciating the Festival and the Island. 

-The support of the Municipality of Carloforte and Pro-Loco Carloforte, the local and national authorities involved, the other public or private (local or not) entities involved, and for sure the help of our Sponsors, which make the Posidonia Festival a reality and FREE.


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